Console Nokia Ngage /S60

Name EScummVMs60

Description ScummVM is an emulator that lets you play old LucasArts adventure games such as "Monkey Island", "Day of the Tentacle", "Sam and Max" etc.

Author/Homepage Matan


Download Here v0.6.1


This is unfinished work! It is in a very early state and in no way complete. There isn't even a key for skipping the opening intros and to quit it you have to terminate the process. Also, it was only tested on a Nokia 6600 and it probably won't work on any other phone.
Some of the games I got running were Monkey Island 1 & 2, Day of the Tentacle and Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis.

Enjoy this preview. But don't blame me if your phone goes up in flames.


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